Life, Honestly

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I know, you thought "next time" was going to be a while. Ha! Fooled you. I just thought that, since the main purpose of this blog is to keep people updated on our growing family and since many of you haven't heard or seen anything (and since I'm a proud-as-a-peacock-parent), that I would give you the run-down on little Natey-Mac. (I also swore I wouldn't call him that...) After way too many hours of labor, Nathan McKay Shields was finally born at 5:28 pm on Saturday, August 9, 2008. Weighing in at 7 pounds, 11 ounces, he was 21 inches long and surprisingly cute for a newborn. He was also surprisingly alert. If you'd like, you can take a peek at the video of him at 40 minutes old. He is, of course, adorable. He loves his daddy, and he loves to be sung to. He does get bored if you sing the same song more than about three times in a row, though. Too bad for me. You know, I thought I knew a lot of kid-appropriate songs, but every time I go to sing one, I discover that I've forgotten all but one line. Apparently I need to brush up on some childhood favorites. If anybody knows any good ones, help me refresh my memory. Actually, I found an awesome website that lists what must be every children's song ever sung, complete with lyrics, alphabetical index, and in some cases, the tune. You can even do a search for partial lyrics if you're like my and can't remember diddly. Speaking of diddly, here's the link, if anyone cares: I appear to be rambling again. I probably shouldn't post when I'm tired (so, never?) so as to avoid that.

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